Strawberry-cream cheese pastry

I was looking for some Valentine's day inspiration, though I don't usually celebrate the day. As I have mentioned before, I'm not a particular fan of chocolate. Strawberries were a good alternative to create the terrible, horrible, evil color pink in my pastry. Pink is unnatural. It's the only color I can't wear. Anyway, back to strawberries: while they did create the color I aimed for, the flavor simply doesn't carry through. I've done this before, I should have known that putting fresh strawberries into pastry doesn't work. Anyway, a note for next time: use blueberries and go for purple. Purple is a much nicer color. Or maybe go for lemon and mix in an egg yolk for color. That should work too.

0.5 portion Hungarian pastry dough
8 oz Philly cream cheese
1 tbsp semolina
10 strawberries
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla flavor
1 egg
1 egg yolk

Blend the cream cheese, semolina, sugar, vanilla, strawberries and one egg for the filling.

When the dough is prepared and had time to rise once, roll out to the size of your baking shape. Cut in slits as shown in the picture below.

Spread the filling in the middle and braid. Brush top with egg wash.

Cover and allow to rise for 20 more minutes. Bake in a 375F oven for ~30minutes, until golden brown.

Allow to cool on a cookie rack. Slice and serve warm.


  1. Hey this looks easier than danish dough.

  2. Yes, it's waaay easier. Overall healthier as well. So, get used to eating this version :-)

  3. Oh, I got VERY used to eating this version. So... when am I getting some MORE :)


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