Greek green bean stew

Called fasolakia, a delicious stew made from the green beans so abundant in the summer! A few potatoes complete the mix. The coriander seasoning is critical here, and adds such a wonderful completeness to the flavor.


3 tbsp olive oil

1 onion

2 lb green beans

2-4 potatoes

4 oz tomato paste

2 tsp coriander



Sautee the minced onions on the olive oil. Add the beans and sautee for another 2-3 minutes. 

Season with coriander, salt, and add the potatoes, diced into 3/4-inch chunks. Add enough water to just cover, and simmer until potatoes are done.

Stir in the tomato paste, season with salt again, and add any extra coriander you may desire. Simmer for 5-10 minutes, evaporating to the desired thickness. I like this dish as a stew, not as a soup!

Serve with crumbled Feta on top, maybe a side of olives, and some good bread.
