Ultra-soft baked donuts

I am not a sweets person, but donuts and gummy candy both present a weakness for me. I can eat a seemingly unlimited amount of both. These baked donuts allow you to avoid whipping out your frying oil, and as a healthier alternative still provide a reasonable substitute for the deep-fried goodies.

500 g flour
50 g butter
70 g sugar
3 tsp yeast
1 egg
1 cup milk
50 mL water

Bloom the yeast in the water with a spoonful of the sugar. Add the warm milk and the remaining sugar. You can replace s portion of the milk with a shot of rum, for the classic fasching-donut flavor.

Into a kitchen-aid blender measure out the flour and cut the butter into it. Add the yeast mixture and the egg. Knead on medium setting for 5 minutes.

Remove the dough and allow to double in a lightly-oiled, covered bowl in a warm place.

Roll out into a 1-inch-thick rectangle and cut 2.5-3-inch circles from it. Place the circles on a parchment lined cookie sheet. Dimple the middle and add a small spoonful of jam to each (if desired).

Preheat the oven to 325F. Bake until very, very lightly browned. Just barely. Sprinkle with icing sugar.
