Chocolate rolls with peanut butter

Moving to my new place involved a lengthy and thorough eat-down (consumption of all things in the pantry, with shopping allowed only for fresh ingredients). Unfortunately this left me with no frozen bread at my finger tips when I was stuck at home and hungry one morning. I prepared a partially whole-wheat dough using 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1 cup white flour, 1 tbsp sugar, 1.5 tsp yeast and a quarter teaspoon of salt. After this rose, I rolled it out, brushed it with melted butter and sprinkled it with cocoa and sugar. 

Rolling it up like a jelly roll, I cut slices using a floss and placed them on their cut side. This was followed by pressing semi-sweet chocolate chips into the tops and allowing the rolls to rise again in a warm oven for 30 minutes.

After baking the rolls at 350F, I drizzled the top with peanut butter. My hunger was gone quickly after this breakfast.
