I love large, sweet, juicy scallops. Not the previously-frozen, dehydrated one with gumball consistency. But fresh, never-brined specimen prepared at home in a hot skillet.
0.5 lb fresh sea scallops
0.5 tbsp rice vinegar
1 tbsp orange marmalade
0.5 tbsp soy sauce
0.5 tbsp Sriracha hot sauce
Pat the scallops dry while preheating a large, nonstick skillet on high to very hot. Add a tbsp of vegetable oil and immediately distribute the dried scallops on it.
Sear for 3-4 minutes per side.
Serve with a sauce prepared by mixing orange marmalade, hot sauce, vinegar and soy sauce. Adjust seasonings. About eight large scallops per serving.
Hey Livia, great site! The scallops look delectable, as do many of the other dishes spotlighted. Nice photos and accompanying descriptions. However, I am confused; tbsp? lb? cups? degF? Where are the milliliters, the grams, and the temperatures in Kelvin? How would a hungry Orgo student follow these procedures? And, is there a solution manual available? Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good stuff, have fun!