Deep fried challah

This is a little bit like donuts, but made with a richer dough. Very tasty with home made apricot marmalade.

2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp butter
0.5 cup warm milk
0.25 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt
2 room temperature eggs
1 tsp yeast
2 cups flour

Add the butter and sugar to a bowl, dissolve in the warm milk. Add the vanilla and salt, and reheat the mixture to warm. Mix in the eggs, do not scramble in the hot milk!

Add 1 tsp of yeast, the mixture needs to be warm at this point, to dissolve the yeast. Mix in 2 cups of flour, one half cup at a time. Knead until smooth. Place in oiled bow, allow to rise for 1-1.5 hours.

Pat down and roll out into 0.5 inch thick. Cut out round shapes, and allow to rise on a lightly floured shape until double in size.

Fry in 350F oil for about 2 minutes per side, until they are golden brown.

Allow to coll for 10 minutes, then serve with fruit jam.
