Rice porridge RCNUWC-style

Before I went to UWC, I only knew the cold rice-pudding recipe my mum used to make. In Norway every Saturday we would get steaming hot, gooey rice-porridge for brunch. Being hungry teenagers, we would usually consume a large bowlful of it. And not only was it customary to top the rice with ample sugar and cinnamon, we invariably added about a tablespoonful of butter to it as well.

Last week I felt like having some rice pudding, the RCNUWC-style.

2/3 cup long-grain, white rice
2 cups milk
1 cup water
3 tbsp butter
1 tbsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt
3 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp flour

Wash the rice in water. Add it to a small pot with 1 cup water and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil and boil covered, occasionally stirring until most of the water is absorbed. At this point add the sugar mixed with the flour, then add the butter.

Mix and keep simmering until the butter melts.

Add the milk and bring to a boil again. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until the rice becomes sticky and the liquid around it is mostly absorbed and thick. Add more milk if necessary.

Serve with cinnamon and sugar (and more butter, if you are planning on going for a hike around the fjord :-).

The Hungarian version washes the rice (150g) and fries it in the butter. Then the rice is cooked in 200mL water, then the milk (500mL) is added. Stirring happens carefully, to avoid breaking the grains. 100g sugar and one packet of vanilla sugar is used.
Spice with cardamom and serve with diced mangoes, sour-cherries, peaches. Delish!
